After much deliberation, I've decided to write a children's picture book. Not just because I think this offers an array of interesting subjects to write about, but because strategically I'm attracted to the idea of sitting down during naptime and knocking out a large chunk of a book in one sitting. The shorter nature of children's literature means that I could write a bunch of books, hone my skills, and pick the best one(s) to submit to publishers. So, given this turn of strategy, my schedule has also changed.
Amber's Sure-To-Be-A-Failure Failure Club Schedule
- January 31 – Decide whether to write a children’s or adult book, fiction or non-fiction - Done!
- February 1 - February 29 – Read two books about publishing children's books, understand the process
- March 1 – March 31 – Write two books, get feedback from five people on the books, join an author’s club or professional association
- April 1 – April 30 – Write two books, get feedback from ten people (including children), and find and meet a local author to get feedback from
- May 1 – May 31 – Write two books, get feedback from fifteen people (including children), blog an exert
- June 1 – June 30 – Write two books, get feedback
- July 1 – July 31 – Choose one or two favorites, revise
- August 1 – August 31 – Research publishers that may accept my book and figure out the submission process, keep revising if necessary
- September 1 – September 30 – Submit book to publisher!
- October 1 – October 31 – Work on submission for next publisher, meet another author
- November 1 – November 30 - Write more books?
- December 1 – December 31 – Contact publisher if haven’t heard back, but most likely they will love the book and I’ll have a contract in my hand! Right?
I love checking things off in a list, good for you :)